Wow, we’ve been extremely bad keeping up with the blog as of late. I guess we have a few excuses, first planning our wedding, then the actual big day and then our honeymoon the next month. No excuses anymore though! We’re working through our backlog of old challenges that we need to complete. The first of which is an edible container, which was the challenge last month for both Daring Bakers and Daring Cooks. For the challenge, we made bacon cups as our edible container.
The April 2011 Daring Bakers’ challenge was hosted by Evelyne of the blog Cheap Ethnic Eatz. Evelyne chose to challenge everyone to make a maple mousse in an edible container. Prizes are being awarded to the most creative edible container and filling, so vote on your favorite from April 27th to May 27th at http://thedaringkitchen.com!
And now for the DC blog checking line.
Renata of Testado, Provado & Aprovado! was our Daring Cooks’ April 2011 hostess. Renata challenged us to think “outside the plate” and create our own edible containers! Prizes are being awarded to the most creative edible container and filling, so vote on your favorite from April 17th to May 16th at http://thedaringkitchen.com!
I wish we spent more time on figuring out another edible container, but in the end, I think they came out pretty nicely. Plus, I got to snack on a couple failed bacon cups.
What makes bacon better you ask? Maple mousse and a strawberry, that’s what.