So, I’ve written before about my love affair with Madeline’s restaurant and my attempt to replicate their raspberry galette before we move. But of course, I can’t forget about Steve and the desserts he orders. Unlike me he doesn’t stick to the same thing every time. But one in particular he does get more than half the time – their blueberry frangipane. Frangipane is an almond paste/cream and Madeline’s serves it in a simple tart crust with blueberries throughout. A few weeks ago I attempted this dessert for the first time.
I started with my good ole reliable tart crust recipe. Delicious as always, but definitely more buttery and rich that the thin tart shells they use. This seems to be a theme with my attempts at dessert replication…
Next was the frangipane itself. I think I made it a little too thick as it was extremely difficult to spread into the crusts. I had to be very careful not to tear the tart bottoms since the crusts kept coming up as I tried to spread. I’ll have to adjust for my next attempt – process the almonds more and make sure its a thinner consistency.
And finally berries! I used frozen because it was all we had (as you can tell by the icy berries in the pictures below). Blueberry for Steve. Raspberry for me, of course! Raspberry and almond is a tried and true flavor combination in this house, so why not?
Sadly, I didn’t get any pictures of the final baked product. But not to worry, there will be more posts about frangipane. I definitely need to give this dessert another go – while tasty, Steve said these were not quite the same as Madeline’s. The consistency just wasn’t quite right. I’ll post a recipe once I finesse this dessert a little more.